Preliminary meeting on the North African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization Initiative (NA-MRH) in Tunis, Tunisia, on 16-17-18 April 2024.

✨ The National agency for Pharmaceutical products has participated in the preliminary meeting on the North African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization Initiative (NA-MRH) held in Tunis, Tunisia, on April 16-18, 2024.

✨ The main objective of this meeting was to discuss about strategies and implementation methods of the Harmonization of Medicines Regulation in North Africa

The specific objectives were as follows:

  • Highlighting the objectives, achievements and challenges of the AMRH initiative.
  • Discuss the acheivements of the AMA operationalisation, technical preparations and expected contributions of North African (NA) NRAs to AMA activities and structures.
  • Agree on the framework, process and roadmap for the implementation of the North African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization Initiative (NA-MRH).