Visit of the Minister Mr. Ali Aoun to the Agency

❇️ The Minister of pharmaceutical industry Mr. Ali Aoun continues his working visits and inspection of the ministry subordinate institutions, with a visit this Sunday, September 18th, 2022, to the National Agency for Pharmaceutical Products.

❇️ Accompanied by the acting General Manager of the National Agency for Pharmaceutical Products and executives of the Ministry. This visit allowed the Minister of Pharmaceutical Industry to appreciate the organization and functioning of the National Agency for Pharmaceutical Products as well as the equipment and infrastructure provided to the technicians and National Agency for Pharmaceutical Products employees to the exercise of their missions.

❇️ thereafter, the Minister of Pharmaceutical Industry had a working meeting with the Agency’s executives, where he recalled the important role of the agency in promoting the national pharmaceutical production through the support it offers and the support it gives to the various pharmaceutical operators,

❇️ For this purpose, the Minister has given clear instructions for the immediate removal of all obstacles faced by operators that restrain the development of their projects, in particular the registration of medications and homologation of medical devices.

❇️ He also instructed the departement directors with more expeditiously and efficiently, within the framework of regulations, to deal with the pending cases and to find ways and means to facilate registration and homologation procedures in order to release and promote productive investment.

❇️ Finally, the Minister has paid particular attention to the continuious training of technicians and experts of the national agency for pharmaceutical products, enabling them to update and deepen their knowledge and enhance their skills in the interest of the national pharmaceutical industry and the therapeutic management of patients.