As part of his visit to the wilaya of Oran on Monday December 11th, 2023, Mr. Ali AOUN, Minister of Industry and Pharmaceutical Production, has officially inaugurated the Oran annex of the National Agency of Pharmaceutical Products.
Established by a decree on January 16th, 2022, which authorized the creation of regional annex for the National Agency for Pharmaceutical Products, this particular annex is named after Moudjahid ”BEN YOUCEF BEN KHEDDA”, a significant figure in our nation’s history and a symbol of its core values.
This annex, will oversee the pharmaceutical market across 20 wilayas under its jurisdiction, and aims to enhance and expedite technical procedures through its local presence. It will also offer comprehensive support to pharmaceutical operators at every stage, including the control and registration of pharmaceutical products and the approval of medical devices. This proximity-based approach aims to ensure the quality, efficacy, safety, and availability of medicines.