Preliminary meeting on the Initiative of harmanizing the medication reglatory in North Africa (NA-MRH) which took place, in Tunis, Tunisia, on 16-17-18 April 2024.

✨ The National agency for Pharmaceutical products has participated in the preliminary meeting on the initiative of harmonizing the Medication Regulatory in North Africa (NA- MRH) which took a place in Tunis, Tunisia, on 16-17-18 April 2024.

✨ The main objective of this meeting was to think about the strategies and terms of implementation of the Harmonization of Medication Regulatory in North Africa

The specific objectives were as follows:

  • Highlighting the objectives, achievements and challenges of the AMRH initiative.
  • Discuss the acheivements of the AMA operationalisation, technical preparatives and expected contributions of North African (NA) NRAs to AMA activities and structures.
  • Agreeing on the framework, process and roadmap for the implementation of the North African HRM Initiative (NA- MRH)