Cooperation ANPP-UNDP:

• As part of strengthening the capacity of the National System in its fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the German Federal Government provided a grant through KFW for the implementation of the project “Support to the Health and Pharmaceutical Sectors in the Fight against COVID-19”, in collaboration with UNDP Algeria. The UNDP is responsible for the implementation of this strategic project and the application of global best practices.

• In this regard, a project steering committee meeting was held on January 29th, 2023, at the headquarters of the National Agency for Pharmaceutical Products, to assess the progress of the rehabilitation of clean rooms for the National Agency for Pharmaceutical Products laboratories.

•Were present:

The representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

The representative of the Ministry of Pharmaceutical Industry;

Dr. Cherif DELIH, National Project Director;

-Representatives from UNDP.

-Representatives from ANPP.